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Reg­is­tra­tion · Managing Director: Christine Marita Müh · Address · Capital: €25,000 · Share­holder agreement · Proxy · Corporate Purpose Hrb2 Sept 2014 German Trade Register Announcements, Germany



HRB 720289: Kommunales Kino Pforzheim gemeinnützige GmbH,
Pforzheim, Schlossberg 20, 75175 Pforzheim
. GmbH. Partnership agreement of July 23, 2014. Business address:
Schlossberg 20, 75175 Pforzheim
. Subject: The promotion, preservation and maintenance of cinema culture in the Area of Pforzheim and the region. In this sense, the company operates the Municipal Cinema Pforzheim and commits itself to a program selection based on artistic, aesthetic, cultural and content-balanced aspects. In its programme, the Municipal Cinema Pforzheim deals in particular with: events with filmmakers or experts on topics, the filmmaking of all countries and regions of the world, the historical, social, political, national and economic aspects of filmmaking, the promotion of school and youth films in cooperation with schools, cinema events of local partners such as the promoters of culture, education, associations and other social groups, open-air cinema events and other cinema special forms, excursions, study trips or seminars in the thematic spectrum of cinema culture and new media, the maintenance of town partnerships in the field of cinema culture, with special topics of the day. Share capital: EUR 25,000.00. General representation regulation: If only one managing director is appointed, he alone represents. If several managing directors have been appointed, two represent jointly or one managing director with one authorized representative. Managing Director: Müh, Christine Marita, Pforzheim, *??.??.????, authorized to represent individual parties with the power to enter into legal transactions on behalf of the company in its own name or a.s. a representative of a third party.

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Kommunales Kino Pforzheim gemeinnützige GmbH, Pforzheim, Germany.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "Kommunales Kino Pforzheim gemeinnützige GmbH - Reg­is­tra­tion · Managing Director: Christine Marita Müh · Address · Capital: €25,000 · Share­holder agreement · Proxy · Corporate Purpose" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.