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Reg­is­tra­tion · Managing Director (5) · Address · Capital: €25,000 · Share­holder agreement · Proxy · Corporate Purpose Hrb16 Sept 2013 German Trade Register Announcements, Germany (13/09/2013)



Daehnert Buescher + Kollegen Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Ungenannte Str. ??, 50668 Köln, Germany. GmbH. Company contract of August 16, 2013, with amendment of August 28, 2013. Business address: Ungenannte Str. ??, 50668 Köln, Germany. Subject: the procurement of third-party legal matters, including legal advice by taking on legal contracts, as well as the activities listed in Sections 33, 57 (3) of the StBerG, which are carried out only independently, without instructions and independently by authorised lawyers or tax advisors in the services of the company, in compliance with their professional rights. The company creates the necessary personnel, material and spatial conditions for this purpose and conducts the related business; in particular, it maintains professional indemnity insurance sedanities required by the professional law of lawyers and tax advisers. The company may not violate the prohibitions and prohibitions of the Federal Lawyers' Code, the Tax Advice Act and the other professional law of lawyers and tax advisors; in particular, it must not affect lawyers and tax advisers working for it in the freedom to practise their profession. The company is only allowed to advertise within the limits of professional law, commercial and banking transactions as well as other commercial activities are not permitted to the company. Share capital: EUR 25,000.00. General representation scheme: If only one managing director is appointed, he shall represent the company alone. If several directors are appointed, the company is represented by two directors or by a managing director together with an authorized representative. Managing Director: Bücher, Sebastian Theodor, Cologne, *??.??.????; Büscher, Marcus, Dusseldorf, *??.??.????; Dähnert, Johannes, Cologne, *??.??.????; Kern, Herbert, Cologne, *??.??.????; Knarse, Sebastian, Werne, *??.??.????, each with the power to enter into legal transactions on behalf of the company with the power to represent itself or a.s. a representative of a third party.

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Daehnert Buescher + Kollegen Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Dusseldorf, Germany.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "Daehnert Buescher + Kollegen Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH - Reg­is­tra­tion · Managing Director (5) · Address · Capital: €25,000 · Share­holder agreement · Proxy · Corporate Purpose" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.