European Companies Search Engine

MD: Helmut Höft, Andreas Jantsch, Karsten Wurl · PPA (3) · No longer MD (1) · No longer PPA (1) · Change of headquarters: Pagola Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH · Capital: €25,000 … Hrb5 Nov 2013 German Trade Register Announcements, Germany (24/10/2013)



HRB 10917 PI: Pagola Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH,
Lockstedt, Kellinghusener Weg 1, 25551 Lockstedt
. Subject: acquisition of movable and immovable property, construction of immovable property by third parties, financing of own fixed assets and long-term leasing of commercial buildings and of movable and immovable property of all kinds and carrying out all the transactions and measures necessary for the achievement of this purpose. The company does not carry out any business in accordance with Section 34 c Of The German Company. Capital: EUR 25,000.00; Representation regulation: If only one managing director is appointed, he shall represent the company alone. If several directors are appointed, the company is represented by two directors or by a managing director together with an authorized representative. Each managing director is authorised to carry out legal transactions on behalf of the company with himself or as a representative of a third party. Managing Directors: Höft, Helmut, *??.??.????, Flintbek; Managing Director: Jantsch, Andreas, *??.??.????, Hamburg; Managing Director: Wurl, Karsten, *??.??.????, Munich; Was manager: ??????, ?????, *??.??.????, inning; Prokura: ?????, ????? ??????, *??.??.????, Mainz; Prokura, together with a managing director or another authorized representative and with the power to conclude legal transactions with itself or as a representative of third parties, and with the power to sell and charge immovable property; ????, ???? ????, *??.??.????, Rockenberg; Prokura, together with a managing director or another authorized representative and with the power to conclude legal transactions with itself or as a representative of third parties, and with the power to sell and charge immovable property; ????, ???? ????, *??.??.????, Rockenberg; Prokura, together with a managing director or another authorized representative and with the power to conclude legal transactions with itself or as a representative of third parties, and with the power to sell and charge immovable property; Weigandt, Britta, *??.??.????, Hohenaspe; Prokura, together with a managing director or another authorized representative and with the power to conclude legal transactions with itself or as a representative of third parties, and with the power to sell and charge immovable property; Procurator: ????, ????????, *??.??.????, Selenier; Prokura, together with a managing director or another authorized representative and with the power to conclude legal transactions with itself or as a representative of third parties, and with the power to sell and charge immovable property; Legal form: LLC; Company contract of: August 18, 2004. By resolution of the shareholders' meeting of July 16, 2013, the registered office of the company is moved from Pöcking (District Court of Munich HRB 154551) to Lockstedt and the partnership agreement is amended in Section 1 p. 2 (seat); 2 p. 2 (object) and section 3 (share capital). Note: Date of first registration: November 9, 2004.

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Pagola Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Lockstedt, Germany.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "Pagola Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH - Managing Director: Helmut Höft, Andreas Jantsch, Karsten Wurl · Officer (3) · No longer Managing Director (1) · No longer Officer (1) · Change of headquarters: Pagola Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH · Capital: €25,000 · Share­holder agreement · Legal form: GmbH · Proxy · Corporate Purpose" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.