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State Aid (€490,321): Intervention of the Sustainable Growth Fund in favour of research and development projects carried out within the framework of agreements signed by the Ministry of Economic … Sat29 Jan 2024 State Aid Transparency (Direct grant/ Interest rate subsidy)



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Country Italy
Language Italian
Aid Measure Title Intervento del fondo per la crescita sostenibile a favore di progetti di ricerca e sviluppo realizzati nell'ambito di accordi sottoscritti dal Ministero dello sviluppo economico con le regioni e le altre amministrazioni pubbliche (en: Support from the Sustainable Growth Fund for research and development projects carried out under agreements signed by the Ministry of Economic Development with the regions and other public administrations)
SA.Number SA.102955
Ref-no. TM-12107808
National ID 80054330586
Beneficiary National ID Type Codice Fiscale
Beneficiary Type Only large enterprises
Region Lazio
Sector (NACE) Scientific research and development
Aid Instrument Direct grant/ Interest rate subsidy
Objectives of the Aid Industrial research (Art. 25(2)(b))
Date of Granting 29/01/2024
Aid element, expressed as full amount 490,321.00 EUR
Granting Authority Name Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy - Direzione generale per gli incentivi alle imprese (en: Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy – Directorate-General for Enterprise Incentives)
Co-finance true
Covid-19 false
Entrusted Entity
Financial Intermediaries

The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche Société de droit étranger, Rome, Italy.

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