European Companies Search Engine

Comptes annuels du registre national du commerce et des sociétés Carcs29 Apr 2019 Comptes annuels du registre national du commerce et des sociétés, France


Yearly report

Siren Registrar of Companies 503340481
End date 31/12/2012
Court number 7501
Document number 29939
Filing number 2008B07669
Subject 69.20Z Activités comptables
End date of previous accounts 31/12/2011
Duration of current period 12
Duration of previous period 12
Submission date 29/04/2019
Collection note Comptes annuels non saisis - Date de dépôt < 2017 – Date exercice < 2016
Type of accounts Complet
Currency code EUR
Original currency O
Confidentiality comptes annuels non confidentiels
Processing note
Company name PKF France
Address 75008 PARIS

This filing was translated from French to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: PKF France Sàrl, Paris, France.

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