European Companies Search Engine

28 EU fundings (total €7,307,113): 655527 - Leucophyl - Total Synthesis of Leucophyllidine … BdlYear 2015 Financial Transparency System


Universite de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France

01/01/2015 EU funding: 643063 - Microwine - Microwine - Microbial Metagenomics and the Modern Wine Industry
02/02/2015 EU funding: DON'T Knock on the Wrong Door: Charterclick! a User-Friendly Tool to Detect Claims Falling Within the Scope of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
01/10/2015 EU funding: Joint Masters Programmes : Emjmd on Wine Tourism Innovation
01/10/2015 EU funding: Joint Masters Programmes : Emjmd on Wine Tourism Innovation
01/10/2015 EU funding: Joint Masters Programmes : Emjmd on Wine Tourism Innovation
01/10/2015 EU funding: Joint Masters Programmes : Emjmd on Wine Tourism Innovation
01/10/2015 EU funding: Joint Masters Programmes : Emjmd on Wine Tourism Innovation
01/12/2015 EU funding (€1,496,641): 640643 - Segway - Study on Environmental and Genomewide Predictors of Early Structural Brain Alterations in Young Students
15/10/2015 EU funding (€129,553): 656625 - Chocolate - Changes of CO2 Levels During Past and Future Interglacials
01/09/2015 EU funding (€129,553): 661247 - Foldasynbio - Bioinspired Nanostructures by Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic NON-Peptide Helical Foldamers in Aqueous Environment
01/12/2015 EU funding (€168,656): 667375 - Costream - Common Mechanisms and Pathways in Stroke and Alzheimer's Disease.
15/12/2015 EU funding (€185,076): 655527 - Leucophyl - Total Synthesis of Leucophyllidine
01/01/2015 EU funding (€254,631): 642192 - ResMoSys - Multi-Stimuli Responsive Molecular Systems and Materials
01/01/2015 EU funding (€298,756): 637221 - Built2Spec - Built to Specifications: Self-Inspection, 3D Modelling, Management and Quality-Check Tools for the 21st Century Construction Worksite
22/09/2015 EU funding (€393,200): Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Programmes : International Integrated Master Course in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory
01/05/2015 EU funding (€412,234): 634479 - EYE-Risk - Exploring the Combined Role of Genetic and NON-Genetic Factors for Developing AGE-Related Macular Degeneration: a Systems Level Analysis of Disease Subgroups, Risk Factors, and Pathways
05/10/2015 EU funding (€417,279): 686141 - Pepticaps - Design of Polypeptides Diblock Copolymers AS Emulsifiers to Produce Safe, Controlled and Reliable Novel Stimuli-Responsive Nanocapsules for Skin Care Applications
01/08/2015 EU funding (€428,000): Joint Masters Programmes : Neurasmus: a European Master in Neuroscience: Advanced Courses and Research Training
22/09/2015 EU funding (€48,000): Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Programmes : International Integrated Master Course in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory
22/09/2015 EU funding (€48,000): Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Programmes : International Integrated Master Course in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory
21/08/2015 EU funding (€48,000): Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Programmes : Neurasmus: a European Master in Neuroscience: Advanced Courses and Research Training
01/08/2015 EU funding (€49,000): Joint Masters Programmes : Neurasmus: a European Master in Neuroscience: Advanced Courses and Research Training
01/01/2015 EU funding (€511,535): 642671 - Suspol - European Joint Doctorate in Organocatalysis and Sustainable Polymers
21/08/2015 EU funding (€615,400): Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Programmes : Neurasmus: a European Master in Neuroscience: Advanced Courses and Research Training
01/11/2015 EU funding (€734,231): 676144 - Sydad - Synaptic Dysfunction in Alzheimer Disease
01/06/2015 EU funding (€745,367): 641640 - EJD-Funmat - European Joint Doctorate in Functional Materials Research
21/08/2015 EU funding (€96,000): Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Programmes : Neurasmus: a European Master in Neuroscience: Advanced Courses and Research Training
01/08/2015 EU funding (€98,000): Joint Masters Programmes : Neurasmus: a European Master in Neuroscience: Advanced Courses and Research Training

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Universite de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.

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