European Companies Search Engine

No longer Auditor (6 companies) BdlYear 2008 Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce Archive, Switzerland


KBT Treuhand AG, Zurich, Switzerland

06/02/2008 No longer Auditor: Antheria Holding Ltd
07/02/2008 No longer Auditor: Fuerte AG
15/12/2008 No longer Auditor: getTalented AG
08/08/2008 No longer Auditor: Glynn Brothers Chemicals AG
11/04/2008 No longer Auditor: PBU Beratungs AG
23/01/2008 No longer Auditor: SFA Swiss - Spectral Food Analysis AG

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: KBT Treuhand AG, Zurich, Switzerland.

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