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13 EU fundings (total €158.5M): 898265 - Linkers - Locomotor Issues in Parkinsonian's Mesencephalic Locomotor Region and Subthalamic Nucleus … BdlYear 2020 Financial Transparency System


Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epiniere, Paris, France

01/04/2020 EU funding (€1,713,396): 945539 - HBP SGA3 - Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3
01/04/2020 EU funding (€145.1M): 945539 - HBP SGA3 - Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3
01/03/2020 EU funding (€168,477): 840711 - Conscbreathdynamics - Breathing Dynamics in Health and Disease: HOW Consciousness Shape Respiratory Patterns
01/09/2020 EU funding (€184,708): 898813 - Clonesa - Closed Loop Neurostimulation of Attention
01/12/2020 EU funding (€196,708): 898265 - Linkers - Locomotor Issues in Parkinsonian's Mesencephalic Locomotor Region and Subthalamic Nucleus
01/01/2020 EU funding (€196,708): Predictions & Control About Impending Action & Rewards or Punishments Require Accumulating Information About OUR Environment & Ultimately Choosing the Action That Will Maximize Reward. Vinci Seeks to Understand the Neural Mechanisms Involved .
01/01/2020 EU funding (€200,000): 848077 - GO-DS21 - Gene Overdosage and Comorbidities During the Early Lifetime in Down Syndrome
01/10/2020 EU funding (€24,760): 864729 - Bcinet - NON-Invasive Decoding of Brain Communication Patterns to Ease Motor Restoration After Stroke
01/10/2020 EU funding (€284,741): 864729 - Bcinet - NON-Invasive Decoding of Brain Communication Patterns to Ease Motor Restoration After Stroke
01/04/2020 EU funding (€3,152,931): 945539 - HBP SGA3 - Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3
01/01/2020 EU funding (€5,765,968): 848077 - GO-DS21 - Gene Overdosage and Comorbidities During the Early Lifetime in Down Syndrome
01/01/2020 EU funding (€597,842): 852873 - Synaptoenergy - Molecular Physiology of Nerve Terminal Bioenergetics
01/01/2020 EU funding (€896,763): 852873 - Synaptoenergy - Molecular Physiology of Nerve Terminal Bioenergetics

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epiniere, Paris, France.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epiniere - 13 EU fundings (total €158.5M): 898265 - Linkers - Locomotor Issues in Parkinsonian's Mesencephalic Locomotor Region and Subthalamic Nucleus …" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.