European Companies Search Engine

Capital: €31,500 · Share­holder agreement Hrb11 Jul 2018 German Trade Register Announcements, Germany



HRB 757721: ARRTSM GmbH, Ungenannte Str. ??, 72135 Dettenhausen, Germany. The Shareholders' Meeting of June 8, 2018 decided to amend the partnership agreement in Sections 3 (share capital) and section 10 (disposal of shares). The share capital is increased by EUR 1,500.00 to EUR 31,500.00 by decision of the Shareholders' Meeting on the same day. Share capital now: EUR 31,500.00.

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: ARRTSM GmbH, Dettenhausen, Germany.

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