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Reg­is­tra­tion · Managing Director: Alexandra Horster · Address · Capital: €50,000 · Share­holder agreement · Proxy · Corporate Purpose Hrb30 Jul 2018 German Trade Register Announcements, Germany



HRB 95226: Kolping Jugendwohnen Essen-Frohnhausen gemeinnützige GmbH,
Cologne, Breite Straße 110, 50667 Köln
. GmbH. Partnership agreement of July 17, 2018. Business address:
Breite Straße 110, 50667 Köln
. Subject: the operation of the youth dormitory in the Kolpinghaus Essen-Frohnhausen in order to promote youth living as a value-oriented offer for meeting, orientation and life support for young people in service to the idea of Adolph Kolping and on the basis of the mission statement of the Kolpingwerk Germany as well as the guidelines of the Association of Kolping e. V. houses. Youth housing is a service of the Children's and Youth Assistance Act (SGB VIII). Youth housing facilities offer accommodation, food and educational support for young people between the ages of 14 and 27 who cannot live at home during their education or training. Share capital: EUR 50,000.00. General representation scheme: If only one managing director is appointed, he shall represent the company alone. If several directors are appointed, the company is represented by two directors or by a managing director together with an authorized representative. Managing Director: Horster, Alexandra, Cologne, *??.??.????.

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Kolping Jugendwohnen Essen-Frohnhausen gemeinnützige GmbH, Cologne, Germany.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "Kolping Jugendwohnen Essen-Frohnhausen gemeinnützige GmbH - Reg­is­tra­tion · Managing Director: Alexandra Horster · Address · Capital: €50,000 · Share­holder agreement · Proxy · Corporate Purpose" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.