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Capital: €25,000 · Share­holder agreement · Name: ASFALIA GmbH · Corporate Purpose Hrb12 Oct 2018 German Trade Register Announcements, Germany



HRB 15658: ASFALIA UG (limited liability), Ungenannte Str. ??, 47798 Krefeld, Germany. The shareholders' meeting of September 19 and 2018 decided on the recasting of the partnership agreement. In particular, the company, the object of the company and the management/representation were changed and the share capital increased from EUR 500.00 by EUR 24,500.00 to EUR 25,000.00. New company: ASFALIA GmbH. New object of company: The brokerage of insurance as an insurance and commercial broker as well as the rental and sale of real estate as a real estate agent. In addition, services close to the authorities which do not require registration in the craftsman's role, such as special carrier and transfer services. New share capital: EUR 25,000.00. The company has one or more directors. If there is only one managing director, he represents the company alone. If several directors are appointed, the company is represented jointly by two directors or by a managing director together with an authorized representative. By decision of the shareholders' meeting, directors can be granted individual power of representation as well a.s. exemption from the restrictions of the § 181 BGB.

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: ASFALIA GmbH, Krefeld, Germany.

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