European Companies Search Engine

Managing Director: Frank Simon · Share­holder agreement Hrb13 Feb 2019 German Trade Register Announcements, Germany



HRB 104972: Markusbrücke Gesellschaft für seelische Gesundheit gemeinnützige GmbH,
Losheim, Saarstraße 24, 66679 Losheim
. The shareholders' meeting of January 30, 2019 decided to amend the company agreement in Section 6 (management and representation) as well as the insertion of a new Section 9 (Supervisory Board), the renumbering of the following sections and then the amendment of Section 12 (organs of the company), 13 (legal transactions subject to authorisation). After changing the specific right of representation, now: Managing Director: Simon, Frank, Wadern-Büschfeld, *??.??.????, authorized to enter into legal transactions on behalf of the company with the authority in its own name or a.s. a representative of a third party.

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Markusbrücke Gesellschaft für seelische Gesundheit gemeinnützige GmbH, Losheim a. See, Germany.

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