European Companies Search Engine

26 EU fundings (total €8,575,659): Social Inclusion and Common Values:Social Meaning Impact through LLL Universities in Europe … BdlYear 2020 Financial Transparency System


Turun yliopisto, Turun Yliopisto, Finland

01/01/2020 EU funding (€1,131,339): 874864 - Hedimed - Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune Mediated Diseases
01/10/2020 EU funding (€1,499,707): 948260 - Plas-Oled - Polariton Assisted White Light Generation in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
01/11/2020 EU funding (€119,233): Knowledge Alliances:Artificial Intelligence, Innovation & Society, the Future of Medicine
01/09/2020 EU funding (€14,040.28): OUR Vision IS to IS to Bring Together an Interdisciplinary Team of World-Leading Researchers on the Nature of Hate and Examine the Dynamics of ITS Spread in Both Offline and Online Fora, Mitigation and Reconciliation Strategies, and the Impact on Victims.
01/09/2020 EU funding (€150,000): 899155 - Rasatac - Regulating RAS Activity to Target RAS-Driven Cancers
26/08/2020 EU funding (€18,200.00): Country Team Activities of Updating and Extending the Existing Expenditure Baskets, and Collection of Price Data for the Development of Reference Budgets
01/01/2020 EU funding (€19,233.95): 871120 - Interact - International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic
01/10/2020 EU funding (€2,424,001): 884434 - Challenge - Persistent Bullying Cases: Towards Tailored Intervention Approaches to Maximize Efficiency
01/01/2020 EU funding (€21,187): Support to Collaborative Partnerships:Creating Mechanisms for Continuous Implementation of the Sports Club for Health Guidelines in the European Union
01/01/2020 EU funding (€219,547): 871063 - ESS-Sustain-2 - Next Steps in Securing the Sustainability of the European Social Survey, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS-Sustain-2)
01/09/2020 EU funding (€266,765): OUR Vision IS to IS to Bring Together an Interdisciplinary Team of World-Leading Researchers on the Nature of Hate and Examine the Dynamics of ITS Spread in Both Offline and Online Fora, Mitigation and Reconciliation Strategies, and the Impact on Victims.
01/01/2020 EU funding (€27,359): 871063 - ESS-Sustain-2 - Next Steps in Securing the Sustainability of the European Social Survey, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS-Sustain-2)
01/11/2020 EU funding (€280,807): 956090 - Apropos - Approximate Computing for Power and Energy Optimisation
01/01/2020 EU funding (€29,028): 874864 - Hedimed - Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune Mediated Diseases
01/08/2020 EU funding (€29,678): 869471 - Charter - Drivers and Feedbacks of Changes in Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity
09/09/2020 EU funding (€304,021): 891455 - Gabarpet - Immunopet Directed to Specific Subtypes of Gabaa Receptors AS Strategy for Molecular Mapping of Behaviour and Mental Illness
01/08/2020 EU funding (€33,918): 869471 - Charter - Drivers and Feedbacks of Changes in Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity
01/01/2020 EU funding (€4,963.60): 871120 - Interact - International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic
01/11/2020 EU funding (€401,983): 952184 - Hermes - Breakthrough Zero-Emissions Heat Generation with Hydrogen-Metal Systems
01/12/2020 EU funding (€42,024): Social Inclusion and Common Values:Social Meaning Impact through LLL Universities in Europe
01/10/2020 EU funding (€50,621): 957751 - Response - Integrated Solutions for Positive Energy and Resilient Cities
01/09/2020 EU funding (€507,374): 899576 - Futuroleaf - Leaf-Inspired Nanocellulose Frameworks for Next Generation Photosynthetic Cell Factories
01/11/2020 EU funding (€723,370): 101004065 - EC2U - European Campus of City-Universities
15/01/2020 EU funding (€74,084): International Higher Education Capacity Building : University Business Engagement in Indonesia: Supporting Employability and Transition Into the Graduate Labour Market - Smart
01/09/2020 EU funding (€83,283): 899576 - Futuroleaf - Leaf-Inspired Nanocellulose Frameworks for Next Generation Photosynthetic Cell Factories
01/01/2020 EU funding (€99,892): 871120 - Interact - International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Turun yliopisto, Turun Yliopisto, Finland.

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