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State Aid (€220,446): Call for proposals "Subsidies for industrial research and experimental development projects, reserved for companies associated with Innovation Hubs" Sat3 Oct 2017 State Aid Transparency (Direct grant/ Interest rate subsidy)



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Country Italy
Language Italian
Aid Measure Title Bando “Agevolazioni per progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale, riservate alle imprese associate ai Poli di Innovazione” (en: “Agevolazioni call for projects of industrial research and experimental development, set aside for associated enterprises to Poli of Innovation”)
SA.Number SA.46872
Ref-no. TM-10162903
National ID 08682860013
Beneficiary National ID Type Codice Fiscale
Name of the beneficiary HYSYTECH S.R.L. (en: HYSYTECH S.R.L.)
Beneficiary Type Small and medium-sized entreprises
Region Piemonte
Sector (NACE) Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
Aid Instrument Direct grant/ Interest rate subsidy
Objectives of the Aid Industrial research (Art. 25(2)(b))
Date of Granting 03/10/2017
Aid element, expressed as full amount 220,446.00 EUR
Granting Authority Name Finpiemonte S.P.A.
Co-finance true
Covid-19 false
Entrusted Entity
Financial Intermediaries

The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Hysytech Srl, Turin, Italy.

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