European Companies Search Engine

25 EU fundings (total €8,587,846): 101067927 - Fabric - Imaging Fear of Painful Touch: Unraveling Relationships Between Neural Correlates of Pain-Related Fear, Somatosensory Neuroplasticity, and … BdlYear 2023 Financial Transparency System


Universiteit Maastricht, Lk Maastricht, Netherlands

01/02/2023 EU funding: Appui AU Renforcement de la Direction Generale de la Veille Strategique, de Lanticipation ET de la Gestion DES Crises
02/01/2023 EU funding: Evaluation of ENI/2017/040-208 - Regional Programme on Statistics with Eurostat in the Eastern Partnership Statistics through Eastern Partnership (Step)
02/01/2023 EU funding: Final Evaluation of the 'support to Peace and Security in the Sadc Region (Spss)' Programme and Formulation of New Programme
01/01/2023 EU funding (€120,825): 101095461 - Freshair4Life - Implementation Research on the Tailored, Multidisciplinary NCD Prevention Package Freshair4Life: Targeting Tobacco and AIR Pollution Exposure in MID- to Late Adolescents in Disadvantaged Populations
01/01/2023 EU funding (€129,175): 101095461 - Freshair4Life - Implementation Research on the Tailored, Multidisciplinary NCD Prevention Package Freshair4Life: Targeting Tobacco and AIR Pollution Exposure in MID- to Late Adolescents in Disadvantaged Populations
01/01/2023 EU funding (€138,508): 101081819 - the-Glow - Transdisciplinary Higher Education for Global Wellbeing
01/07/2023 EU funding (€145,241): 101089060 - MR2.0 - Mutual Recognition 2.0: Effective, Coherent, Integrative and Proportionate Application of Judicial Cooperation Instruments in Criminal Matters
01/01/2023 EU funding (€149,431): 101090044 - Famimove 2.0 - Families on the Move: the Coordination Between International Family LAW and Migration LAW
01/01/2023 EU funding (€172,220): 101094455 - Futuresilience - Creating Future Societal Resilience through Innovative, Science-Based CO-Creation Labs
01/01/2023 EU funding (€187,624): 101063688 - Susisocyanide - a New Light on Isocyanide Synthesis
01/07/2023 EU funding (€187,624): 101067927 - Fabric - Imaging Fear of Painful Touch: Unraveling Relationships Between Neural Correlates of Pain-Related Fear, Somatosensory Neuroplasticity, and Sensory Impairments in the Context of Chronic Pain.
01/01/2023 EU funding (€2,318,530): 101043014 - Ovichip - the Biofabrication of a 3D in Vitro Human Oviduct Model to Study Infertility and Factors Affecting Embryo Development
01/01/2023 EU funding (€202,128): 101100633 - Eucaim - European Federation for Cancer Images
01/01/2023 EU funding (€203,464): 101066876 - Aifocus - the Causes and Consequences of Firms¿ Focus on Artificial Intelligence
01/02/2023 EU funding (€224,104): 101094299 - Impress - Interoperable Electron Microscopy Platform for Advanced Research and Services
01/01/2023 EU funding (€276,875): 101079372 - Predictos - Strengthening Excellence for Advanced Osteosarcoma¿S Predictive Models
01/01/2023 EU funding (€302,602): 101094758 - Skills2Capabilities - Skills Mismatch in Labour Markets
01/01/2023 EU funding (€387,500): 101079196 - Twin4Merit - Twinning for Excellence in Management and Economics of Research and Innovation
01/01/2023 EU funding (€391,986): 101079001 - Brainn - Brain Research and Integrative Neuroscience Network for Covid-19
01/01/2023 EU funding (€398,373): 101092851 - XR2Learn - Leveraging the European XR Industry Technologies to Empower Immersive Learning and Training
01/03/2023 EU funding (€66,000): 101094394 - Navigator - the EU Navigating Multilateral Cooperation
01/01/2023 EU funding (€805,598): 101095435 - Realm - Real-World-Data Enabled Assessment for Health Regulatory Decision-Making
01/03/2023 EU funding (€832,288): 101094228 - Remit - Reignite Multilateralism VIA Technology
01/01/2023 EU funding (€86,478): 101092433 - Cove South Africa - Center of Vocational Excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture in South Africa
01/01/2023 EU funding (€861,272): 101095435 - Realm - Real-World-Data Enabled Assessment for Health Regulatory Decision-Making

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Universiteit Maastricht, Lk Maastricht, Netherlands.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "Universiteit Maastricht - 25 EU fundings (total €8,587,846): 101067927 - Fabric - Imaging Fear of Painful Touch: Unraveling Relationships Between Neural Correlates of Pain-Related Fear, Somatosensory Neuroplasticity, and Sensory Impairments in the Context of Chronic Pain. …" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.