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State Aid (14.3M SEK): State aid for research and development and innovation in the field of energy (extension) Sat24 Mar 2022 State Aid Transparency (Direct grant/ Interest rate subsidy)



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Country Sweden
Language Swedish
Aid Measure Title Statligt stöd till forskning och utveckling samt innovation inom energiområdet (förlängning) (en: State aid for research, development and innovation in the field of energy (extension))
SA.Number SA.60444
Ref-no. TM-11221485
National ID 556542-4321
Beneficiary National ID Type Organisationsnummer
Name of the beneficiary Volvo Technology AB
Beneficiary Type Only large enterprises
Region Västra Götalands län
Sector (NACE) Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
Aid Instrument Direct grant/ Interest rate subsidy
Objectives of the Aid Experimental development (Art. 25(2)(c))
Date of Granting 24/03/2022
Aid element, expressed as full amount 14,275,000.00 SEK 1,372,530.13 EUR
Granting Authority Name Energimyndigheten (en: Swedish Energy Agency)
Co-finance false
Covid-19 false
Entrusted Entity
Financial Intermediaries

The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Volvo Technology AB, Gothenburg, Sweden.

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