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EU funding (€5,896,988): Biorefinery combining HTL and FT to convert wet and solid organic, industrial wastes into 2nd generation biofuels with highest efficiency Hor28 Aug 2017 EU Research and Innovation programme "Horizon"



Biorefinery combining HTL and FT to convert wet and solid organic, industrial wastes into 2nd generation biofuels with highest efficiency

Heat-to-Fuel will deliver the next generation of biofuel production technologies towards the de-carbonisation of the transportation sector. Heat-to-fuel will achieve competitive prices for biofuel technologies (<1€/l) while delivering higher fuel qualities and significantly reduced life-cycle GHG reductions. Heat-to-fuel will result in increased Energy production savings (>20%) and enhanced EU’s energy security by the use of local feedstocks which in turn ensured local jobs are preserved and increased. The benefit of combining technologies like in Heat-to-Fuel is, that the drawbacks of the single technologies are balanced. FT and APR are promising technologies for the efficient production of 2nd generation fuels. But currently the economic border conditions don't allow the implementation, similar to many other biofuel technologies. The radical innovation of combining an APR with a FT reactor is the basis to overcome this barrier. The large organic wastes (from HTL or other streams) can be conveniently treated with APR to produce H2. Both dry and wet organic wastes can be integrated, with mutual advantages, i.e. steam production for gasification, HTL and APR preheating; FT heat cooling without external utilities. Using the synergies between these technologies maximizes the total process efficiency. Heat-to-fuel aims will be met thanks to the diversification of the feedstock for biofuels production, reducing the supply costs and upgrading the efficiencies of promising and flexible conversion.

Funded Companies:

Company name Funding amount
Atmostat €189,535
Best - Bioenergy AND Sustainable Technologies GmbH €520,207
Centro Ricerche Fiat Scpa €158,151
Commissariat a L Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives €791,443
????????? ??? ?? ??????? ? ?? ????????????? ????? ??????? ??????????? €854,773
?????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ?????????? €0.00
???????? ???????? ?? ??????? ?? ????????? ?? ????????? €361,348
??????? ?????? ???????????? ???? €399,825
Instytut Technologii Paliw i Energii €341,405
Johnson Matthey plc €238,425
Khimod €220,116
Politecnico DI Torino €700,914
R2M Solution Spain SL €209,135
??????? ??????? ????????? ?? ?????? ?????? €278,289
Technische Universitaet Wien €510,293
Tecnol Srl €123,129


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