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59 EU fundings (total €13.6M): 893378 - Esmorga - Exploiting Superconvergence in Meshes for Optimal Representations of the Geometry with High Accuracy … BdlYear 2020 Financial Transparency System


Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional DE Supercomputación Consorcio Público, Barcelona, Spain

01/01/2020 EU funding: 871465 - up2Date - Intelligent Software-Update Technologies for Safe and Secure Mixed-Criticality and High Performance Cyber Physical Systems
01/01/2020 EU funding: 871669 - Ampere - a Model-Driven Development Framework for Highly Parallel and Energy-Efficient Computation Supporting Multi-Criteria Optimisation
01/09/2020 EU funding (€1,000,000): 951911 - AI4Media - a European Excellence Centre for Media, Society and Democracy
01/09/2020 EU funding (€1,000,000): 952026 - Humane-AI-NET - Humane AI Network
01/11/2020 EU funding (€1,279,988): 101004156 - Confess - Consistent Representation of Temporal Variations of Boundary Forcings in Reanalyses and Seasonal Forecasts
01/09/2020 EU funding (€1,499,905): 951740 - Castiel - Coordination and Support for National Competence Centres on a European Level
01/01/2020 EU funding (€1,700,000): 871042 - Sobigdata-Plusplus - Sobigdata++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and BIG Data Analytics
01/04/2020 EU funding (€1,713,396): 945539 - HBP SGA3 - Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3
01/10/2020 EU funding (€1,773,327): 952181 - Coec - Center of Excellence in Combustion
01/01/2020 EU funding (€1,999,770): 870301 - AQ-Watch - AIR Quality: Worldwide Analysis and Forecasting of Atmospheric Composition for Health
01/04/2020 EU funding (€100,000): 101003551 - Exscalate4COV - Exascale Smart Platform Against Pathogens for Corona Virus
01/01/2020 EU funding (€100,000): 847989 - Liverscreen - Screening for Liver Fibrosis - Population-Based Study Across European Countries
01/09/2020 EU funding (€100,000): 951740 - Castiel - Coordination and Support for National Competence Centres on a European Level
01/09/2020 EU funding (€11M): 951911 - AI4Media - a European Excellence Centre for Media, Society and Democracy
01/09/2020 EU funding (€11M): 952026 - Humane-AI-NET - Humane AI Network
01/04/2020 EU funding (€145.1M): 945539 - HBP SGA3 - Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3
01/09/2020 EU funding (€150,000): 957488 - Genetta - Genomic Data-Fusion Platform for Omics-Driven Precision Medicine
01/12/2020 EU funding (€160,932): 893378 - Esmorga - Exploiting Superconvergence in Meshes for Optimal Representations of the Geometry with High Accuracy
01/02/2020 EU funding (€2,000,000): 871075 - Elixir-Converge - Connect and Align Elixir Nodes to Deliver Sustainable Fair Life-Science Data Management Services
01/09/2020 EU funding (€2,631,847): 869565 - Vitigeoss - Vineyard Innovative Tool Based on the Integration of Earth Observation Services and in-Field Sensors
01/02/2020 EU funding (€2,800,000): 871075 - Elixir-Converge - Connect and Align Elixir Nodes to Deliver Sustainable Fair Life-Science Data Management Services
01/04/2020 EU funding (€2,870,875): 101003551 - Exscalate4COV - Exascale Smart Platform Against Pathogens for Corona Virus
01/10/2020 EU funding (€200,000): 952103 - Eucanimage - a European Cancer Image Platform Linked to Biological and Health Data for Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine in Oncology
01/09/2020 EU funding (€22.3M): 951732 - Eurocc - National Competence Centres in the Framework of Eurohpc
01/10/2020 EU funding (€255,900): 952103 - Eucanimage - a European Cancer Image Platform Linked to Biological and Health Data for Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine in Oncology
01/10/2020 EU funding (€3,013,969): 952181 - Coec - Center of Excellence in Combustion
01/01/2020 EU funding (€3,077,032): 871465 - up2Date - Intelligent Software-Update Technologies for Safe and Secure Mixed-Criticality and High Performance Cyber Physical Systems
01/04/2020 EU funding (€3,152,931): 945539 - HBP SGA3 - Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3
01/09/2020 EU funding (€3,254,075): 869575 - Focus-Africa - Full-Value Chain Optimised Climate User-Centric Services for Southern Africa: Focus-Africa
01/07/2020 EU funding (€3,266,661): 869367 - Landmarc - Land-USE Based Mitigation for Resilient Climate Pathways
01/09/2020 EU funding (€3,718,943): 869575 - Focus-Africa - Full-Value Chain Optimised Climate User-Centric Services for Southern Africa: Focus-Africa
01/07/2020 EU funding (€3,733,327): 869367 - Landmarc - Land-USE Based Mitigation for Resilient Climate Pathways
01/11/2020 EU funding (€3,996,777): 955735 - Disc4ALL - Training Network to Advance Integrated Computational Simulations in Translational Medicine, Applied to Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
01/01/2020 EU funding (€3,999,542): 871669 - Ampere - a Model-Driven Development Framework for Highly Parallel and Energy-Efficient Computation Supporting Multi-Criteria Optimisation
01/01/2020 EU funding (€369,258): 871465 - up2Date - Intelligent Software-Update Technologies for Safe and Secure Mixed-Criticality and High Performance Cyber Physical Systems
01/01/2020 EU funding (€399,886): 871669 - Ampere - a Model-Driven Development Framework for Highly Parallel and Energy-Efficient Computation Supporting Multi-Criteria Optimisation
01/01/2020 EU funding (€4,120,000): 946002 - Meep - the Marenostrum Experimental Exascale Platform
01/10/2020 EU funding (€4,399,568): 951773 - Permedcoe - HPC/Exascale Centre of Excellence in Personalised Medicine - Permedcoe
01/02/2020 EU funding (€4,420,000): 871075 - Elixir-Converge - Connect and Align Elixir Nodes to Deliver Sustainable Fair Life-Science Data Management Services
01/10/2020 EU funding (€4,445,814): 951786 - Nomad COE - Novel Materials Discovery
01/10/2020 EU funding (€4,527,495): 952103 - Eucanimage - a European Cancer Image Platform Linked to Biological and Health Data for Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine in Oncology
01/01/2020 EU funding (€400,000): 871465 - up2Date - Intelligent Software-Update Technologies for Safe and Secure Mixed-Criticality and High Performance Cyber Physical Systems
01/10/2020 EU funding (€400,000): 952179 - Incisive - a Multimodal AI-Based Toolbox and an Interoperable Health Imaging Repository for the Empowerment of Imaging Analysis Related to the Diagnosis, Prediction and Follow-up of Cancer
01/01/2020 EU funding (€448,400): 2019-EU-IA-0031 - Inea/CEF/ICT/A2019/1926910 "Unsupervised MT for LOW-Resourced Language Pairs (MT4ALL)"
01/10/2020 EU funding (€5,010,963): 952103 - Eucanimage - a European Cancer Image Platform Linked to Biological and Health Data for Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine in Oncology
01/01/2020 EU funding (€5,896,481): 847989 - Liverscreen - Screening for Liver Fibrosis - Population-Based Study Across European Countries
01/10/2020 EU funding (€57,235): 952181 - Coec - Center of Excellence in Combustion
01/02/2020 EU funding (€580,000): 871075 - Elixir-Converge - Connect and Align Elixir Nodes to Deliver Sustainable Fair Life-Science Data Management Services
01/01/2020 EU funding (€600,000): 871669 - Ampere - a Model-Driven Development Framework for Highly Parallel and Energy-Efficient Computation Supporting Multi-Criteria Optimisation
01/10/2020 EU funding (€600,000): 951773 - Permedcoe - HPC/Exascale Centre of Excellence in Personalised Medicine - Permedcoe
01/10/2020 EU funding (€600,000): 951786 - Nomad COE - Novel Materials Discovery
01/02/2020 EU funding (€634,800): 873120 - Rising Stars - Rise International Network for Solutions Technologies and Applications of Real-Time Systems
01/01/2020 EU funding (€8,297,173): 871042 - Sobigdata-Plusplus - Sobigdata++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and BIG Data Analytics
01/10/2020 EU funding (€800,000): 952181 - Coec - Center of Excellence in Combustion
01/10/2020 EU funding (€9,595,728): 952179 - Incisive - a Multimodal AI-Based Toolbox and an Interoperable Health Imaging Repository for the Empowerment of Imaging Analysis Related to the Diagnosis, Prediction and Follow-up of Cancer
01/06/2020 EU funding (€99,875): 946009 - Edge Twins HPC - Bringing Digital Twins to the Edge for Mass Industry 4.0 Applications

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional DE Supercomputación Consorcio Público, Barcelona, Spain.

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