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EU funding (€2,927,875): Modelling Emerging Transport Solutions for Urban Mobility Hor26 Apr 2019 EU Research and Innovation programme "Horizon"



Modelling Emerging Transport Solutions for Urban Mobility

Disruptive technologies, such as MaaS and CAVs, are bringing radical changes in urban mobility. The goal of MOMENTUM is to develop a set of new data analysis methods, transport models and planning support tools able to capture the impact of new transport options on urban mobility, in order to support cities in the task of designing the right policy mix to exploit the full potential of emerging mobility solutions. The specific objectives of the project are: 1. Identify a set of plausible future scenarios for the next decade to be taken into account for mobility planning in European cities, considering the introduction of disruptive technologies such as CAVs. 2. Characterise emerging activity-travel patterns, by profiting from the increasing availability of high-resolution spatio-temporal data collected from personal mobile devices and digital sensors. 3. Develop data-driven predictive models of the adoption and use of new mobility concepts and transport solutions, in particular MaaS and shared mobility, and their interaction with public transport. 4. Provide transport simulation and planning support tools able to cope with the new challenges faced by transport planning, by enhancing existing state-of-the-art tools with the new data analysis methods and travel demand models developed by the project. 5. Demonstrate the potential of the newly developed methods and tools by testing the impact of a variety of policies and innovative transport services in different European cities with heterogeneous sizes and characteristics, namely Madrid, Thessaloniki, Leuven, and Regensburg, and evaluating the contribution of the proposed measures to the strategic policy goals of each city. 6. Provide guidelines for the practical use of the methods, tools and lessons learnt delivered by the project in the elaboration and implementation of SUMPs and other planning instruments.

Funded Companies:

Company name Funding amount
Aimsun SL €221,625
????? ????????????? €85,625
Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid SA €376,750
??????? ?????? ??????? ??? ????????????? ????????? €225,625
Nommon Solutions AND Technologies SL €356,250
Polis €263,000
Stad Leuven €195,000
Transport & Mobility Leuven N.V. €317,625
Union Internationale des Transports Publics €140,500
Universidad de La Iglesia de Deusto Entidad Religiosa €204,000


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