European Companies Search Engine

28 EU fundings (€0.00): Diamond Converter and Arc fault DEtection for high-altitude operations … BdlYear 2020 EU Research and Innovation programme "Horizon"


Universite Grenoble Alpes, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France

17/12/2020 EU funding: Diamond Converter and Arc fault DEtection for high-altitude operations
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04/12/2020 EU funding (€150,000): Commercial feasibility of a therapeutic approach to cancer based on ‘LEGO’ antibody recruiting glycodendrimers
01/04/2020 EU funding (€184,708): Upgrading Cyanines dyes: Non-Kekulé ketocyanines and related patterns
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07/05/2020 EU funding (€196,708): Retention of toxic pollutants by nanomagnetite aggregates
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20/11/2020 EU funding (€229,113): Services based on Ecosystem data AssiMiLation: Essential Science and Solutions
21/08/2020 EU funding (€274,802): Delivering affordable and sustainable housing in Europe
09/04/2020 EU funding (€295,062): Science & Innovation policy in DEbate: COnditions for MaxiMised socIetal ouTputs through mulTi lEvEl analysis
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03/06/2020 EU funding (€625,184): Securing biodiversity, functional integrity and ecosystem services in DRYing rivER networks

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Universite Grenoble Alpes, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France.

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