European Companies Search Engine

Officer (11) · No longer Officer (15) Hrb11 Aug 2020 German Trade Register Announcements, Germany (10/08/2020)



HRB 238857: Proxalto Service Management GmbH, Ungenannte Str. ??, 81737 München, Germany. Procura terminated: ????????, ??????, vineyard, *??.??.????; ????????, ???, Schönau, *??.??.????; ????????, ????????, Stuttgart, *??.??.????; ?????, ??????, Berlin, *??.??.????; ????????, ???????, Dossenheim, *??.??.????; ???????????, ?????????, Main Valley, *??.??.????; ????, ??????, Darmstadt, *??.??.????; ????, ???????, Edingen-Neckarhausen, *??.??.????; ?????, ??????, Jesteburg, *??.??.????; ???????, ??????, Dippoldiswalde, *??.??.????; ??????, ??????, Malsch, *??.??.????; ??????, ?????????, Darmstadt, *??.??.????; ???????, ?????????, Lohr, *??.??.????; ???????, ????, Bonn, *??.??.????; ???????, ?????????, Dreieich, *??.??.????. Total prokura together with a managing director or other authorized representative: ????????, ????, Fürth, *??.??.????; ?????, ?????????, Frankfurt am Main, *??.??.????; Dr. Weißhaupt, Frank, Mainz, *??.??.????. Changed to each representative authority, now: Total procuratorfiscal together with a managing director or other authorized representative: Bade, Matthias, Mannheim, *??.??.????; Berkmann, Johannes, Frankfurt am Main, *??.??.????; ?? ?????, ???, Harthausen, *??.??.????; Hannemann, Volker, Solingen, *??.??.????; ??????, ??????, Hamburg, *??.??.????; ???????, ??????, Dusseldorf, *??.??.????; ???????, ???????, Niederkassel, *??.??.????; Rinke, Gabriele, Gossel, *??.??.????.

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Viridium Customer Services GmbH, Munich, Germany.

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