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15 UK fundings (£2,252,704): CCC-CATAPULT: Challenging the Climate Crisis: Children's Agency to TAckle Policy Underpinned by Learning for Transformation … BdlYear 2020 UK Research and Innovation, United Kingdom


University OF THE WEST OF England, Bristol'S International College, Bristol

03/07/2020 UK funding (£1,741,420): Redistributed Manufacturing in Deployed Medical Care Network Plus
01/10/2020 UK funding (£10.5M): REINSTATE: Repair, Enhanced Inspection, and Novel Sensing Techniques for increased Availability and reduced Through life Expense
01/07/2020 UK funding (£125,082): University of the West of England Bristol and Viper Innovations Limited
01/07/2020 UK funding (£126,783): The Art of Healing in Kashmir: how creative activities can support child wellbeing in areas of conflict
01/10/2020 UK funding (£159,279): ASPIRE - Accelerated Supergene Processes in Repository Engineering
01/09/2020 UK funding (£206,707): Augmented Berry Vision (ABV) - Real-time Augmented Display of Spectral Ripeness Cues in Berry Farms
01/04/2020 UK funding (£26,737): Strengthening Cyber Science Knowledge and Teaching from non-STEM perspectives for school pupils
01/04/2020 UK funding (£30,799): Blockchain-enabled device mutual authentication in zero-trust Internet of Things (BazIoT)
01/07/2020 UK funding (£348,533): COVID 19 Grant Extension Allocation University of the West of England
01/04/2020 UK funding (£364,713): BioFactory - Low-cost, sustainable biogas production, through self-contained, off-grid latrine/waste-processing systems
01/06/2020 UK funding (£368,711): Synalogik: Identifying and tackling Criminal Activist Finances (CAF) through investigation automation.
01/11/2020 UK funding (£380,517): Transforming the management of Urea Cycle Disorders using non-invasive breath ammonia monitoring
01/09/2020 UK funding (£468,273): Intergroup dynamics within the 1831 reform riots: towards a new social psycho-history
01/12/2020 UK funding (£511,487): CCC-CATAPULT: Challenging the Climate Crisis: Children's Agency to TAckle Policy Underpinned by Learning for Transformation
01/05/2020 UK funding (£7,759,798): Transport Infrastructure Efficiency Strategy Living labs

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: University of the West of England, Bristol's International College, Bristol.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "University OF THE WEST OF England, Bristol'S International College - 15 UK fundings (£2,252,704): CCC-CATAPULT: Challenging the Climate Crisis: Children's Agency to TAckle Policy Underpinned by Learning for Transformation …" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.