European Companies Search Engine

Wordmark: “Plai“ Euipotm15 Jun 2018 European Union Intellectual Property Office (Trade Marks)



Trade mark

Type Word
Name Plai
Filing number 017579194
Trade mark status REGISTERED
Nice Classification

35: Online trading of software, including computer games, game software and game programs; Dissemination of advertisements and Advertising material relating to software, including computer games, software games, Game programs.

41: Entertainment, Including providing of online computer games; Entertainment, Including providing of temporary and permanent computer games; Production of videos about computer software; Providing of information about tournaments, events and competitions relating to computer games via a homepage.

Filing date 11/12/2017
Registration date 14/06/2018
Expiry date 11/12/2027

Plai IVS

Speditørvej 1, Building 40

DK-9000 Aalborg


The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Plai IVS, Aalborg, Denmark.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "Plai IVS - Wordmark: “Plai“" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.