European Companies Search Engine

Word figurative mark: “B.O. HerzTon“ Euipotm5 Dec 2014 European Union Intellectual Property Office (Trade Marks)



Trade mark

Type Figurative
Name B.O. HerzTon
Graphic representation
Colour Black; white.
Filing number 013094792
Trade mark status REGISTERED
Nice Classification

25: Maternity wear, namely skirts, dresses, trousers, blouses, shirts, T-shirts, pullovers, jackets, underpants, brassieres, bathing suits and bikinis, vests; Pants (Am); Jackets, Waistcoats; Suits; Denim pants; Leggings, knitted cardigans and knitted vests; Sleepsuits; Nighties.

Filing date 16/07/2014
Registration date 03/12/2014
Expiry date 16/07/2024

BabyOne Franchise- und Systemzentrale GmbH

Willy-Brandt-Weg 39

D-48155 Münster


The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: BabyOne Franchise- und Systemzentrale GmbH, Münster, Germany.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "BabyOne Franchise- und Systemzentrale GmbH - Word figurative mark: “B.O. HerzTon“" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.