European Companies Search Engine

19 EU fundings (total €2,624,908): 101016167 - Orchestra - Connecting European Cohorts to Increase Common and Effective Response to Sars-COV-2 Pandemic: Orchestra … BdlYear 2020 Financial Transparency System


Cineca Consorzio Interuniversitario, Casalecchio di Reno, Italy

01/09/2020 EU funding: 951732 - Eurocc - National Competence Centres in the Framework of Eurohpc
01/09/2020 EU funding: 951740 - Castiel - Coordination and Support for National Competence Centres on a European Level
01/09/2020 EU funding: 951740 - Castiel - Coordination and Support for National Competence Centres on a European Level
01/09/2020 EU funding: 951745 - FF4Eurohpc - FF4Eurohpc: HPC Innovation for European Smes
01/09/2020 EU funding: 951745 - FF4Eurohpc - FF4Eurohpc: HPC Innovation for European Smes
01/04/2020 EU funding (€15,181.36): 945539 - HBP SGA3 - Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3
04/05/2020 EU funding (€19,599.99): Project IS Aiming to LAY the Foundation of a Network Connecting Researchers and Citizens, Building Stable and Empathic Communication Paths Between Institutions, Researchers and Citizens.
01/10/2020 EU funding (€215,592): 952165 - Trex - Targeting Real Chemical Accuracy AT the Exascale
01/12/2020 EU funding (€251,368): 101016167 - Orchestra - Connecting European Cohorts to Increase Common and Effective Response to Sars-COV-2 Pandemic: Orchestra
01/06/2020 EU funding (€27,500): 954949 - Societynext - Society Behind the Horizon
01/10/2020 EU funding (€29,407): 952165 - Trex - Targeting Real Chemical Accuracy AT the Exascale
01/04/2020 EU funding (€3,239.80): 101003551 - Exscalate4COV - Exascale Smart Platform Against Pathogens for Corona Virus
01/09/2020 EU funding (€35,675): 951771 - Euhubs4Data - European Federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs
01/12/2020 EU funding (€367,661): 101016167 - Orchestra - Connecting European Cohorts to Increase Common and Effective Response to Sars-COV-2 Pandemic: Orchestra
01/12/2020 EU funding (€419,651): 101016167 - Orchestra - Connecting European Cohorts to Increase Common and Effective Response to Sars-COV-2 Pandemic: Orchestra
01/09/2020 EU funding (€439,955): 951771 - Euhubs4Data - European Federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs
01/04/2020 EU funding (€698,819): 945539 - HBP SGA3 - Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3
01/04/2020 EU funding (€8,250.00): 945539 - HBP SGA3 - Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3
01/04/2020 EU funding (€93,011): 101003551 - Exscalate4COV - Exascale Smart Platform Against Pathogens for Corona Virus

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Cineca Consorzio Interuniversitario, Casalecchio di Reno, Italy.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "Cineca Consorzio Interuniversitario - 19 EU fundings (total €2,624,908): 101016167 - Orchestra - Connecting European Cohorts to Increase Common and Effective Response to Sars-COV-2 Pandemic: Orchestra …" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.