European Companies Search Engine

17 EU fundings (total €3,441,308): Artificial Vascularised Scaffolds for 3D-Tissue-Regeneration … BdlYear 2011 Financial Transparency System


Arttic SAS, Paris, France

01/11/2011 EU funding: Actuation 2015: Modular Electro Mechanical Actuators for Acare 2020 Aircraft and Helicopters
01/11/2011 EU funding: Actuation 2015: Modular Electro Mechanical Actuators for Acare 2020 Aircraft and Helicopters
01/01/2011 EU funding: ENS@T-Cancer - Health-2010-259735
01/11/2011 EU funding: Grant FP7
01/01/2011 EU funding: - Health-F5-2010-266838 - Detective - RE-Engagement Partiel "Detection of Endpoints and Biomarkers of Repeated Dose Toxicity Using in Vitro Systems" - FP-7 RTD Project
01/06/2011 EU funding: Innovative Anti-Influenza Drugs Excluding Viral Escape
01/06/2011 EU funding: Innovative Anti-Influenza Drugs Excluding Viral Escape
01/11/2011 EU funding (€146,888): Intelligent Design Methodologies for Low Pollutant Combustors for Aero-Engines
01/10/2011 EU funding (€168,000): MAINtenance, renewaL and Improvement of Rail Transport iNfrastructure to Reduce Economic and Environmental Impacts
01/11/2011 EU funding (€195,955): Green Retrofitting through Improved Propulsion
01/06/2011 EU funding (€203,103): Solar Chemical Reactor Demonstration and Optimization for Long-Term Availability of Renewable JET Fuel
01/01/2011 EU funding (€285,332): Detective
01/11/2011 EU funding (€377,632): Artificial Vascularised Scaffolds for 3D-Tissue-Regeneration
01/10/2011 EU funding (€401,701): Resistance in Gram-Negative Organisms: Studying Intervention Strategies
01/10/2011 EU funding (€768,182): *****
01/01/2011 EU funding (€796,078): Coach
01/10/2011 EU funding (€98,437): SIS.2011.2.2.1-1-288989 - Engineer - SP4-Capacities - FP7-Science-in-Society-2011-1

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Arttic SAS, Paris, France.

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