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Reg­is­tra­tion · Member of the Executive Board: Andreas Bräuer, Marius Hasenheit · Seat: Berlin · Legal form: eG · Name: GSP eG Genossenschaft selbstverwalteter Projekte · Proxy · Corporate Purpose Hrb7 Jun 2021 German Trade Register Announcements, Germany



GnR 950 B: GSP eG Genossenschaft selbstverwalteter Projekte, Berlin (
Sewanstraße 122, 10319 Berlin
). Company: GSP eG Genossenschaft selbstverwalteter Projekte; Registered office / branch: Berlin; A) the supply of members with housing, including community facilities and follow-up facilities, b) the provision of commercial space to members for social, cultural and economic facilities and services, c) the development, construction, acquisition, management and supervision of buildings in all legal and use forms, including planning and construction services and all other tasks arising in the field of housing and real estate, urban development and infrastructure, d) the promotion of environmentally friendly mobility, e) the ecological production of renewable energies for self-consumption or marketing, f) the promotion of the circular economy, resource saving and the increase of resource efficiency, g) the advice and promotion of members and project initiatives that actively support the democratic, ecological and social goals of the cooperative. Representation regulation: If the board consists of two persons, the cooperative is represented by each board member alone. If the board consists of three or more persons, the cooperative is jointly represented by two board members. Board of Directors: 1 Bräuer, Andreas, *??.??.????, Oranienburg; Board of Directors: Hasenheit, Marius 2, *??.??.????, Berlin; Legal form: registered cooperative; The statutes are established on 10 February 2021.

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: GSP eG Genossenschaft selbstverwalteter Projekte, Berlin, Germany.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "GSP eG Genossenschaft selbstverwalteter Projekte - Reg­is­tra­tion · Member of the Executive Board: Andreas Bräuer, Marius Hasenheit · Seat: Berlin · Legal form: eG · Name: GSP eG Genossenschaft selbstverwalteter Projekte · Proxy · Corporate Purpose" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.