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Managing Director: Vladimir Lawrinenko · Share­holder agreement · Corporate Purpose Hrb27 Jul 2007 German Trade Register Announcements, Germany (23/07/2007)



BFHS-Hilfsdienste- und Service-GmbH für Industrie, Handel und Haushalte, Duisburg (Ungenannte Str. ??, 47055 Duisburg, Germany). The Shareholders' Meeting of June 12, 2007 has an amendment of the social contract in Section 2 (1) (object of the company) and Section 3 number 2 (share capital). deposits) and with it decided to change the object of the company. A) The object of the company is the provision of services and the provision of assistance services in industry, commerce and households, and the commercial rental of rooms/apartments, containers and caravans, unless special official authorisations are required. b) Organisation of aid and donations for late emigrants coming from Russia to Germany as well as the mediation of contracts for land, residential premises, commercial premises, loans and rights of the same property, as well as mediation through the acquisition of - equity certificates of an investment company - foreign investment shares - other publicly offered shares in a capital company or KG and of securitised claims against a capital company or KG. (c) planning, welding and laying of pipelines, export and import of raw materials, semi-finished and finished industrial products. Newly appointed as Managing Director: Lawrinenko, Vladimir, Yekaterinburg, *??.??.????, with the power to enter into legal transactions on behalf of the company in its own name or a.s. a representative of a third party.

This filing was translated from German to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: BFHS-Hilfsdienste- und Service-GmbH für Industrie, Handel und Haushalte, Duisburg, Germany.

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