European Companies Search Engine

Projekt Radeberger Straße GmbH, Leverkusen, Germany


Projekt Radeberger Straße GmbH


District Court of Cologne HRB 110169
District Court of Dusseldorf HRB 78344


Corporate purpose

The acquisition, development including development and sale as residential property with regard to a partial area to be formed of approx. 4,705 m² of the property Dreherstraße 177a, Magdeburger Straße, Gerresheim district, corridor 20, parcel 431 registered in the land register of the Düsseldorf Local Court of Gerresheim, sheet 6120 under serial number 166 with a total size of currently 8,476 m². Furthermore, pursuant to § 34 c (1) No. 1, No. 1a) and No. 4 of the Industrial Code, the object of the company is the exercise of the following trade without conditions: a) the mediation of the conclusion and the proof of the opportunity to conclude contracts for land, property-like rights, residential premises, commercial premises and loans; (b) the preparation or execution of construction projects as a builder in his own name for his own account or for the account of a third party, using assets of purchasers, tenants, lessees, other beneficial owners or applicants for acquisition or use rights; c) the economic preparation or execution of construction projects as a construction supervisor in the name of a third party for the account of others.



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