European Companies Search Engine

ImmConcept Verwaltungs GmbH, Herzogenaurach, Germany✝︎


ImmConcept Verwaltungs GmbH
GWG - Gewerbe- und Wohnpark Gartenstraße Verwaltungs GmbH


District Court of Fürth HRB 12384
District Court of Nuremberg HRB 23919
District Court of Chemnitz HRB 19477


Herzogenaurach, Germany
Aurachtal, Germany
Nürnberg, Germany
Erlbach, Germany

Corporate purpose

Management of shareholdings and the assumption of personal liability with other companies, in particular the assumption of the management as a personally liable shareholder in the KG in the company "ImmoConcept Projektentwicklung GmbH & Co. KG" with its registered office in Nuremberg.



Loading network


21 Dec 2007 as GWG - Gewerbe- und Wohnpark Gartenstraße Verwaltungs GmbH
22 Feb 2007 as GWG - Gewerbe- und Wohnpark Gartenstraße Verwaltungs GmbH

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Creative Commons License The visualizations for "ImmConcept Verwaltungs GmbH, Herzogenaurach, Germany" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.