European Companies Search Engine

Love Parade Berlin GmbH Medien-, Produktions-, Verwertungs- und Veranstaltungsgesellschaft, Berlin, Germany


Love Parade Berlin GmbH Medien-, Produktions-, Verwertungs- und Veranstaltungsgesellschaft


District Court of Charlottenburg (Berlin) HRB 59288 B


Corporate purpose

The worldwide protection and worldwide exploitation of the LOVE PARADE brand in all suitable media and areas of exploitation, in particular but not limited to the areas of TV, radio, cinema, sound carriers and / or video recordings of any kind, events, print products, multimedia uses, advertising uses of any kind, merchandising goods and services. Furthermore, the operation of music publishers.



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31 Jan 2013 as Love Parade Berlin GmbH Medien-
31 Jul 2008 as Love Parade Berlin GmbH Medien-

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