European Companies Search Engine

PKS Pinneberger Kliniken Servicegesellschaft mbH, Elmshorn, Germany✝︎


PKS Pinneberger Kliniken Servicegesellschaft mbH
Pinneberger Kliniken Servicegesellschaft mbH
heptus 74. GmbH


District Court of Pinneberg HRB 6386 PI
District Court of Munich HRB 159299


Elmshorn, Germany
Uetersen, Germany

Corporate purpose

Provision of services and services in the field of hospital and health care, as well as hiring of employees, recruitment, personnel consulting and other personnel services, in particular for the Region Kliniken GmbH with its registered office in Uetersen and companies in which Regio Kliniken GmbH has a direct or indirect interest, as well as for other institutions and companies in the Sana Kliniken AG Group.



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22 Feb 2008 as Pinneberger Kliniken Servicegesellschaft mbH

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