European Companies Search Engine

Wertstoffe Wittenberg GmbH, Emmerich a. Rhein, Germany✝︎


Wertstoffe Wittenberg GmbH


District Court of Stendal HRB 25610


Emmerich a. Rhein, Germany
Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany

Corporate purpose

The preparation of any purchased or received recyclablematerials and other materials, the mixture, homogenization or separation of the varieties, their crushing, in particular by depolymerisation or pyrolysis, sorting by size or physical or chemical nature with the purpose of feeding the prepared, sorted, crushed, separated, chemically or physically defined raw materials and materials to new industrial and economic applications, including packaging, Holding and entering into new holdings of all kinds; management of own assets; Trade in raw materials or recyclables or other materials.




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