European Companies Search Engine

e contacts and communication GmbH, Mülheim a. d. Ruhr, Germany✝︎


e contacts and communication GmbH
top smile GmbH
Privatinstitut für roboterassistierte Implantologie und Implantatnavigation GmbH


District Court of Duisburg HRB 11735


Mülheim a. d. Ruhr, Germany
Duisburg, Germany

Corporate purpose

The object of the company is the mediation of contacts in the field of medical services, preferably by patients of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine with treatment requests in Germany. Customers of other nations are not excluded. In addition to the acquisition of patients and suitable practitioners, the activities include the organisation of patient stays and the care of patients during the treatment phase, as well as a translation service …



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29 Mar 2016

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